Last November, the Chicago Park District hired the Brooklyn-based landscape design firm Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates for $4.2 million to re-imagine the Daley Plaza, Cancer Survivors Park, and Peanut Park - and to create a pedestrian walkway from Millennium Park to the Lakefront and Navy Pier.
Even though the signs and maps need updating, Chicago residents and visitors soon learn there are 5 locations to get from Millennium Park to the Lakefront or Navy Pier on the other side of Lake Shore Drive. The map on the left shows the five crossing points:
1) Illinois Street,
2) Gateway River Walk,
3) Ramp next to Lancaster & access road north of 195 Harbor,
4) Middle Randolph, and
5) Monroe Drive traffic light.
None of the many routes to the lakefront conflict or disturb the tranquility of the Cancer Survivors Garden. Therefore, the threat reported by the Grant Park Conservancy on May 17, 2010, that the peaceful garden may have to be relocated does not seem to be a realistic option. However, the people of Chicago have been surprised before with unreasonable proposals. We will all listen carefully to the park district on Monday, May 24th at 7pm at 610 S. Michigan.
Below are some pictures taken on May 20, 2010 showing the route from the Millennium Park BP Bridge to the Lakefront and Navy Pier.
<--------------------------------------Cancer Survivors Garden
Pedestrian Pathways from Millennium Park to Lakefront and Navy Pier
Chicago residents and visitors can begin to see the water of Monroe Harbor and Lake Michigan.
This photo was taken looking south from the sidewalk on Randolph.
You are welcome to share your thoughts with others visiting this website, and also the park district consultants and board members.

EMAIL NOTICE - May 20, 2010
IMPORTANT MEETING MONDAY at 610 S. Michigan, 7pm - Cancer Suvivors Garden threatened. 

Richard Ward <richardward@neweastside.org>
(New Eastside mailing lists - approx. 1100 persons)
Thu, May 20, 2010 at 1:38 AM
subject IMPORTANT MEETING MONDAY at 610 S. Michigan, 7pm - Cancer Suvivors Garden threatened.
At Monday's GPAC (Grant Park Advisory Council and Conservancy) meeting, a subtle alarm was sounded that the beautiful and serene Cancer Survivor's Garden could be threatened and moved to another area in Grant Park to "balance the amenities", and to avoid a conflict with the more active plans being considered to link Millennium Park with the lake front. A further red-flag was announced by Bob O'Neill, and again on Tuesday in a Chicago Park District press release announcing that 4 public hearings are scheduled, and none in the Daley Fieldhouse at the proposed location of the changes. This appears to be more political maneuvering surrounding the unresolved legal challenges to the 1839 dedication restrictions of constructing a Children's Museum "building" that is 14 times the volume of the present below ground unchallenged fieldhouse. Remember that in the entire history of Chicago, NO UNCHALLENGED above ground building or obstruction in Grant Park has survived an Illinois Supreme Court Decision. Neither the Art Institute nor the Harris/Pritzker buildings were challenged, and decided at the Illinois Supreme Court (based on the dedication covenant restrictions): http://neweastside.org/DECISIONS.html
Please plan to attend at least the nearest public information meeting next Monday at 610 S. Michigan at 7pm.
The four scheduled meetings are:
"Press Release Date: 05/18/10
The Chicago Park District is hosting citywide public meetings regarding the future of North Grant Park. All meetings are scheduled to begin at 7 p.m. and will be hosted at the following locations and dates:
· Monday, May 24 at Spertus Institute, 610 S. Michigan Ave.
· Wednesday, May 26 at South Shore Cultural Center, 7059 S. South Shore Dr.
· Wednesday, June 9 at Broadway Armory, 5917 N. Broadway Ave.
· Thursday, June 10 at Garfield Park Conservatory, 300 N. Central Park Ave.
...The North Grant Park Project addresses a 25-acre area in the northeast corner of Grant Park, composed of three sections: Daley Bicentennial Plaza, the Cancer Survivor’s Garden, and Peanut Park. Underneath Daley Bicentennial Plaza lies the East Monroe Street Parking Garage which is scheduled to undergo renovation within the next five years.This will require the removal of the Daley Bicentennial Plaza in its entirety."
Richard F. Ward, President, NEAR
155 N. Harbor Dr. #5101
Chicago, IL 60601
FAX & PH (312) 938-0884
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Note how far away the peaceful Cancer Survivors Garden is from the perferred route to the lakefront.
When the park district officials and their consultants review these pictures, this is a not-too-subtle reminder again, that there are no benches in Chicago's Frontyard for the mile along the harbor between Monroe and Roosevelt. They were damaged by snowplows over a decade ago and never replaced for the comfort of our citizens and visitors. Somehow, trees have a higher priority than people.
This well worn path by thousands of residents and visitors is evidence of the preferred route or "Desire Path" to the lakefront.
<----Walkway to Navy Pier
<----Randolph Street and Lakeshore East Park Monroe Street Light across Lake Shore Drive ---->
Walkway to Monroe Street traffic light to cross Lake Shore Drive.
<-----Walkway to Lakefront, Chicago River Bridge, and Navy Pier. (clear sign needed !!)
Walkway north to Randolph
Cancer Survivors Garden
(note distance)
This computer monitor of a database was never activated because of privacy issues.
This peaceful garden was created many years ago by the Richard and Annette Bloch Family as a tribute to the doctors and hospital that saved his life, and to all cancer survivors that have sought the thoughtful reminders on how to survive cancer.
This garden is also the site of many couples beginning their married life together. Many return to celebrate their anniversaries.
This garden should never be threatened by a high volume bike and pedestrian path to the lakefront.
Looking north to Daley Fieldhouse
Continue east to Lakefront ---->
BP Bridge - Sign to help visitors find the lakefront and Navy Pier is missing.
Proposed Children's Museum
For Public Use...R.F. Ward - May 22, 2010
Approx. 140 persons attended this 1st meeting 1.5 miles away.
Three new persons attended the 2nd meeting.
"Desire Path" to Lakefront
Hidden "No Dogs" sign in ALL Park District Gardens and Playgrounds -->
This grassy area should be fenced and posted with a sign citing the park ordinance of No Dogs Allowed in Playgrounds or Gardens.